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Trinity (Vénézuélienne).

“My true journey of self-discovery is just starting now”.

Elle se souvient encore très bien de ce moment où elle était allongée sur son lit. Un matin au réveil, elle regardait le plafond, il était plat et elle pensait que quelque chose n’allait pas avec ce plafond! Après avoir écouté son histoire, j'ai compris que c'était une métaphore de "Je ne suis pas au bon endroit, pas à ma place". Cela a été une période clé dans le processus du changement de sa vie.

Trinity c’est le feu, c’est le sel de la vie C’est l’enfant dans ses yeux, c’est l’amour établi Trinity c’est l’essence, les parfums, les saveurs Avec elle, aucun détour, tout parle du cœur Trinity c’est la joie, la passion, et parfois l’impatience Ça bouscule, ça foisonne tant d’idées surprenantes Trinity c’est l’humour et l’auto-dérision C’est léger, c’est velours, tout en étant profond Trinity c’est l’éclat, c’est le rire qu’on devine Même dans les silences, c’est l’ivresse qu’elle dessine Elle est là et partout, elle voyage dans le temps Trinity c’est tout ou c’est rien, ça dépend

Poème: Nadir Mokdad



Trinity (Venezuela).

Of fiery, expansive and lively nature, one can only be taken by Trinity’s laughter and delight. Her ingenuous sparks of creativity regularly manifest into delicious and innovative culinary creations. One moment she can be tending to the garden and then she can be gone in a wink, moving fast in the “Matrix” swiftly offering her energy where it is needed. Very connected to her five senses, and her sixth intuitive sense, they serve as a way to navigate in life but she also feels that she unconsciously had to block her sensitivity in the past. In her animated, passionate and endearing manner, she took us through vivid memories, key moments that led her life to transform completely.

Trinity woke up one morning to find that the ceiling above her bed wasn’t right. Staring at it, day after day, the thought that something was wrong with the flat ceiling crystallised in her heart. It crushed her, the metaphoric symptom was a sign that something larger in her life was at play. In 2010, her ex-partner and her had bought a beautiful house which was a big achievement. Despite this, she remembers walking into it and feeling very clearly that the house and all that came with it wasn’t her dream. She felt the unexplainable call to go visit Source Temple Sanctuary, where her cousin Grace was for ten days. In that short time she knew it was her place, even though she couldn’t understand why. Before arriving in Venezuela, she decided to buy her return ticket to Brazil, knowing that it was the right decision despite everything that could dissuade her. The obstacles she thought she would face at home dissolved, and within forty days she was in her new home.

When she woke up to her new ceiling, it was different. It was the right one, which she had imagined all those years! She now lives in a house called “Morning Glory”, as if to bless her past of heavy-hearted mornings.

"My true journey of self-discovery starts now”. After her first 8 years in Source Temple, she feels that her heart is opening to let in the true wisdom and knowledge. Trinity is the beholder of a powerful force of transformation, I have the absolute certainty that it will assist her in this beautiful, new cycle of life!


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