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"Les valeurs de la société s’effondrent car il y a trop de mensonges et ce système va finir par tomber. Beaucoup de gens recherchent des modes de vie alternatifs. Dans la «Matrice» nous devons produire et être compétitif, c’est une course folle de l’avoir au lieu de l’être. Se battre pour le pouvoir et le contrôle n’a aucun sens. Mais heureusement qu’il y a des gens qui ouvrent enfin les yeux, notamment de nouveaux dirigeants. Serait-ce donc le signe d’un espoir ?" -Glinda.
Beauté sans âge, sagesse discrète Cœur à l’ouvrage, fenêtres ouvertes Mère enveloppante, solaire et inspirante Pensées éloquentes sur des lèvres ardentes Femme généreuse, patiente et calme Mains guérisseuses, rêveries de l’âme Délice des silences, regards profonds Amour qui danse dans les photons
Poème: Nadir Mokdad
Meet Glinda from Venezuela, the good witch of the Wizard of Oz! Glinda's gift is transformation and love. If she could do it all day, she would be offering the gift of healing work to anyone who is in need. Her channel to healing and transcendance is as easy as simply being guided to open the heart to love, to all the light which is always ready to enter.
At the age of sixty-five, one could easily assume she is ten years younger. She has the light, joyful and twinkling energy of a benevolent fairy. She has no attachment to material things, she simply loves beauty. As nature abounds of it, she nurtures a grand family of plants in her house, and makes sure to bathe in the glory of nature everyday. Living in a community is the best life she has ever experienced. She has been residing in harmonious communion with others in Source Temple since eight years. Glinda's generosity is an extension of who she is. We witness her going from person to person, as a hummingbird would to a flower, to check on them and enjoy being in their company.
She rises early every morning to meditate, practise yoga and her sacred ritual. Then she prepares a cleansing green juice, which is a moment of her day she has invited us to share with her☺️Even the juice she makes is magical, we can guarantee it! Glinda has been teaching all her life, either in school education or in her other practises such as yoga. At the end of our interview she gave us a small insight into astrology, and what she shared about her sun sign Aquarius is quite fitting! Aquarius is symbolised by Archimedes pouring wisdom into the world. The keywords for Aquarius are "I know", a constant quest for understanding and knowledge.
To conclude about her journey, she told us that the most important thing she has learned is to be "fully and wholly engaged in what you do". When we embody complete surrender, our whole body awakens in love.