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Athena (Autrichienne, Salzburg, 45 ans).

"The Journey is not horizontal, it is vertical" -Athena.

Fleur rieuse, fille du vent Lumineuse, cœur d’enfant Symphonie délicate, feuille qui chante dans les strates Femme racine, libre et belle Féminine aquarelle Rose fidèle, sœur rêveuse Sûre d’elle, généreuse

Poème: Nadir Mokdad


Athena (45 years old, Austria)

"The Journey is not horizontal, it is vertical". Named after the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena embodies a gentle, fairy-like energy. Grey-eyed like the goddess of the Greek mythology, her eyes hint at her sensitivity and also her great inner strength. A goddess recognised for her generosity and compassion, these qualities I also find in Athena. When I met her I was touched by her nurturing manner, the soft and calm feel of her voice, and her loving embrace.

Athena joined the community 10 years ago. When she first came into contact with Source Temple Sanctuary, she was convinced that community life was not for her. Her idea of freedom was to travel, to go as deep into a country such as India and disappear. Yet she knew, deep inside, that she already belonged to the community. For some years she continued on her solo journey, and at some point she came full circle. She had travelled a lot, worked a lot, and she knew it was time to join her people. Her decision met no resistance from her outer or inner world, and so she embraced it. She believes we are all on a "one journey", not the same journey but a journey in which we will ultimately all learn the same lessons. She also associates the life journey with Joseph Campbell's life-long work of "The Hero's Journey", which has also resonated with me for years.

She concluded in saying that the journey is "not horizontal, but vertical". Like Athena, we all have a touch of divine in us, and so our innate courage to go beyond can be awakened in any time.


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